catherine’s new favorite book series

Maria foisted the Discovery Series by Wanda E Brunstetter on me repeatedly so I finally caved and read them and hated them.

She already did a review so I’m not going to do a rundown but here are my thoughts/highlights of the series for me.

Luke and Meredith kept saying, We argued so much, but I only witnessed one argument so….

The introduction of Alex, the homeless guy who mugs Luke, was wild. He read an article about how many stray cats are in NYC. 

Susan and Anne, the nurse and PT, who take care of Luke, are the most annoying set of sisters I’ve ever met. “Their shifts rarely lined up.” And yet they were always together. They also shared a lot of information with their grandparents about Luke’s condition and I wonder how much of it violated HIPAA. The grandpa was only married to the grandma for her good cooking skills. Cooking was this woman’s sole identity. 

My favorite part was when Jonah went to the creek, pushed on a tree and thought, I wonder how long until this falls over. ??? Next thing you know the tree has fallen and traps Jonah’s foot. I had to go back and read this over and apparently half of the tree’s roots were in the creek and the other half on the bank. Then we find out Jonah is in the creek and the water is UP TO HIS CHEST and he can’t free his foot. He has the idea of wiggling his foot from his boot but has to put his head under water to untie the laces and this reminds him of when he almost drowned as a child. The water filled his ears. After he frees himself, he hobbles home and his mom says, “I will call the doctor, the one who makes house calls to the Amish.” Then she gasps and says, “Ach, a leech!” And the chapter ended. I tell ya, this is why you read these books. Quality. Quality literature right here.

When Luke moves in with the grandparents he was given, among other things: Two sweatshirts with matching sweatpants.

Susan, let me clarify she’s 28, not 53, finds herself falling in love with Luke but can’t allow herself to succumb until she knows for sure whether or not he has a girlfriend or wife. So she holds his hand. As one does when one is trying to keep a platonic friendship.

There’s a weird side plot of Meredith’s sister, Laurie, marrying a Mennonite guy and becoming a Missionary to the Native Americans. This was completely useless.

After Luke remembers he’s Amish and his last name, Susan and Anne googled Amish last names to help him remember and this makes me laugh every time I think about it, they just sit around waiting for him to remember his phone number or address. Why are they automatically assuming he even has a phone?? I told Maria, He should just go to Bird in Hand and someone is bound to recognize him as Luke since apparently HE HAS THE MOST AMAZING TURQUOISE EYES. 

You all know the ending, Luke and Meredith are reunited minutes before she’s to marry another man. I’d give this series one star because it sucked so hard.

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