a weekend trip to lake michigan’s south shore

A couple of weeks ago, Amanda and I tagged along with Rachel, Brad, and Leah on a weekend trip to southern Lake Michigan. It’s about 3.5 hours from home, so it makes an ideal getaway. We hit the road around 12 on Friday and arrived later that afternoon at Warren Dunes State Park. There were hardly any people here and the scenery was beautiful. The … Continue reading a weekend trip to lake michigan’s south shore

keep your nerve: a trip to maine and prince edward island

Four days before we, Elena, Emma, and Catherine, were to leave for our vacation to Nova Scotia and PEI, we found out there were wildfires in Halifax where we were flying in and out of and Halifax was evacuating people. At first we decided if they were allowing flights to land and take off it would be fine. Thursday morning I woke up to a … Continue reading keep your nerve: a trip to maine and prince edward island