book and movie review: lady susan

Lady Susan, the underrated Jane Austen novel. I don’t know why this novel doesn’t get mentioned whenever Jane Austen’s completed novels are mentioned because it’s a completed manuscript and it was published. Maybe it’s tossed to the side cause it’s a mere seventy pages.

I want answers for this injustice cause this book is great.


Lady Susan is a flirt whose husband has died in the last year. She has a daughter, Frederica, whom she dislikes and she generally enjoys wreaking havoc on people’s lives while pretending she’s innocent. 

The book is written by the characters writing letters to each other so it’s quite different from Jane Austen’s other books.

Lady Susan isn’t a heroine, in fact, she’s almost a villain, one of those characters you’re not supposed to root for but you still enjoy reading about. You love to hate her. 

Love and Friendship

Jane Austen had a novella titled Love and Friendship so we were all confused why they would name the movie based on Lady Susan Love and Friendship.

This movie is great. It follows the book very well and each of the characters were portrayed perfectly. Some things happened that weren’t in the book, but since the book was in letter form not all the details were given so I think the liberties were fine. 

It made me laugh and I would definitely watch it again.

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