celebrate singleness!

“Being brave enough to be alone frees you up to invite people into your life because you want them and not because you need them.”

Mandy Hale

Ladies, it’s time to stop wallowing if you’re single.

It’s time to stop wallowing and start celebrating! Because if you’re single, you can do whatever the heck you want. You don’t have to run your decisions past someone else before deciding. You can just pick up and drive to South Dakota on a Tuesday if you want to. You can flirt with the mailman and wink at the Chipotle checkout boy. Being single is a time to live it up.

There’s some weird idea out there that dates will just fall into your lap. Unless you’ve got the looks of a movie star, they’re not, and that’s just the honest truth. But if you’re not living a hermetic life, you’ll probably meet some guys, and maybe you’ll wind up dating somebody. Maybe not. Maybe you’ll be the rich aunt who travels extensively and sprinkles hundred dollar bills around wherever she goes!

I’m not getting deep in this post. I just want to say that instead of bemoaning the single life, it’s time to start being excited about it! The world is yours for the adventuring. Have at it!

One thought on “celebrate singleness!

  1. I have bloggee about this. I think that society plays the biggest part in attempting to make women feel bad for being single. I am single by choice but I realize that there are women out there that aren’t. Tuesday, a neighbor asked me (as many people asked me so I just asked the question for him before he could ask it) “How are you so beautiful but single?” I basically told him I was crazy and dress like a hobo to keep people out of my face.

    The people that irk me the most, however, are people that say “That’s why you’re single” like it’s an insult.

    One has to ask themselves “Do I really want to find what people call love or am I just trying to pacify society?”

    I’m just trying to stay off Snapped!


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