history repeats itself

“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.”

Theodore Roosevelt

Anymore public schools don’t care if history is part of their curriculum or not. Instead, they want to focus on math and science. That is all well and good, I have nothing against math and science; however, it should not be done at the expense of students not learning history.

You know the saying, “History repeats itself”? Maybe history repeats itself because no one learns it.

Maybe if history had been learned and heeded, we would not be seeing the parallel between Hitler’s decimation of the Jews and the advocated abortions of babies with Down Syndrome.

People have wondered how Hitler managed to get the German to follow him, to give him their guns and was able to cart off the Jews with little resistance. Look around you at what our leaders are doing to us. They managed to get us to stay home, wear masks, and follow their questionable mandates and guidelines. Perhaps if more people were aware of where this can lead us, they wouldn’t be so eager to follow the “rules.”

History is important because we can use it to learn what has worked and what has not worked. We can then put that knowledge to practice in our own lives. If we don’t learn about our past, what’s stopping us from repeating the horrors already committed?

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