you have style

“When someone finds their own personal style, they look good in it, no matter what it is.”

Malcolm Jenkins

I walk into a classroom, and I see, for the most part, all the same style clothing: ripped jeans with a plain t-shirt. Granted it is the first couple of weeks of college, so people are trying to get comfortable in their surroundings. However, this is not the only place I see everyone wearing similar things. 

The reason I worry about this so much is because your outfit reflects who you are in an indirect way. So if a bunch of people are walking around with the same outfits on, either they all have the same personality or they are just wearing the clothes to try and fit in. Probably about 2 of the 30 people in that room put on that specific outfit because they actually enjoyed it. 

Your outfit should make you comfortable knowing that you have confidence in the types of clothes you wear. We didn’t stop letting our mothers pick out our clothes in order to let the media and fashion department start dictating what looks good on us. Too many times I have heard someone say, “I couldn’t wear that; it would look stupid on me.” without even trying it on! At least give it a try, ladies. It may end up back on the rack, but it could also end up being on of your favorite pieces of clothing. 

How do you find your style? What do those favorite pieces of clothing look like? First, educate yourself on some basic outfit styles such as chic or bohemian. I know this sounds contradictory, but this will give you an idea of what clothes you will like and will actually wear. (but if you want to go out and just start shopping, go for it!) Another thing, don’t be afraid to go to thrift stores and garage sales!

While it is okay to use pieces from what is in style, make sure you are not using them to drown out your own. Show your style proudly! 

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